Lots of stuff going on these last couple of weeks, some bad, some good!
The 'bad' stuff: our three kids and myself got sick this last week, so we're all caughing and sniffing and running a little fever. Nothing spectacular but no fun at all so let's move on to the good stuff fast:
- bought an Ipod classic (with a Texas Hold'em game!) so now I can watch a lot of interesting poker podcasts like high stakes, fulltilt learn it from the pros etc. (and listing to my favorite music too of course)
- had four winning poker evenings in a row! I definately feel I am on the right track now
- trying to quit smoking (I felt like there's no better time to try when you're sick) and so I haven't smoked a cigarette in SIX days!!
Ok, time to look back on March and see how I did.
The goals were:
- Fail: play about 30 hours two-tabling, so around 2.500 hands I have played for about 20 hours and even though I was four-tabling most of the time, I played about 1.500 hands, well below the goal so that's a "Failed"
- Success: make a profit from playing of $10 (about 7ptBB), which would be a first I won $ 18.76 for a BB/100 of 61 or a ptBB of 31 which is obvioulsy a very nice result.
- Fail: clear $10 of the $100 start bonus at Everest because I overestimated the number of hands I would be able to play, I didn't get any further than clearing about $5 of my start up bonus
- Success: bankroll of $110 Bankroll on 03/31 was $123.45
- play loose pre-flop, but tight post-flop
- do not over-estimate the power of middle and low pairs
- do not chase hands without the right odds
- do not bluff for big pots
Especially the last 4 or 5 sessions I really stuck to these 'rules' and it helped me to win several BI. I also felt I was playing too passive, only betting hands I was pretty sure were the best in the hand. Now I bet more aggressive, especially post flop where a lot of players seems to call often but bet rarely and I get to pick up quite a few more (smaller) pots this way as well.
Goals for April
Because rewards are important :), I'm moving up to the 5NL again (will have to be on another site though) if I succeed this month.
- play 2.500 hands four- or sixtabling at 2NL
- win $20 for a ptBB/100 of 20
- get to a bankroll of $150
- stick to a tight aggressive style playing the right odds
- play smaller/unprotected pots more aggressive from position
- try to put opponents on hands by the river
I already had a good start yesterday evening. I played 237 hands winning $8.43 so even though my objectives are very ambitious (in terms of ptBB/100) I really feel I should be able to make it.
Cya next time!
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