... you can win even when playing bad.
And playing a poor game is what I did yesterday. I even called an allin donkbet on the flop with top pair (just don't ask me why). Obviously I was beat. Again I was making bad calls all over the place, though somehow I managed to only loose 3 big pots: the donkbet, a set over set hand (where a third flushcard on the turn did save me some money) and a flopped top pair (Jacks) against pocket kings.
How did I manage that? Well, being lucky comes to mind. On at least three hands, I was well behind on the flop and caught up nicely :) In one of those hands, I raised on the flop with the nut flush draw, fired again on the turn and made a big bet on the river when I had hit my flush. I figured I had some folding equity on the flop and knew my opponent wouldn't put me on a flush if I hit. The guy had two pair on the turn, but failed to reraise me.
Even better than drawing out: I hit full house twice when my opponent had a set which won me 2 BI. First hand I call a raise with 99. The flop comes A, 9, blank and the raiser bets again and calls my reraise. The turn is a blank and my bet is called again, so I put him on AK, AQ, AJ, maybe AA (though he would have reraised me on the flop). The river brings a beautiful A, so I push and I get a call with AQ.
You would think that drawing out a couple of times and getting these great hands would mean a big winning session right? I ended up with $6 in about 700 hands, so that's how bad I played.
Two things give me hope: I have been up 5 consecutive sessions now and my results could even have been a lot better because most of the time I only loose small pots and the very few big ones are just bad luck or spots where I made mistakes that I know I can get rid of.
Now I just have to prove that...
1 month ago
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